Friday, May 30, 2008


This is a very difficult time for our family.

Last night, I was thinking about how I would feel and what I would want if I were in the position of Eric's sister.

I have one sister. She's five years younger than me. I have known her every single day of her life. I have known her longer than anyone else alive on earth. When she was a few weeks old, I helped Mama take the clothes off the clothesline because it was beginning to rain and I stacked all the clothes on top of my sister in her crib--she turned blue. We have history! We shared the same room our entire life until I left for college. We fought as children. We hanged Randy Brown by the neck on the clothesline in the back yard as kids and got in a lot of trouble with Mom and Dad--especially Mama, because she discovered him and cut him down. Somehow, we survived Mama's death and Daddy's death together. We fought as adults. We have history! We share the same blood! I love my sister and she loves me with incredible passion. She's my blood!

Last night, I told Eric that if I am ever in his sister's position he is to allow my sister and my former husband to see me. I would want to see them. Now, there are a great many other people that I would want to see. But, don't bar my sister and my former husband. I also want to be able to see Dana and Candy's son, Matthew. Dana has been with Candy over 30 years. He's real family.

I met my former husband when I was barely 18 years old and we married the following spring. Yes, we got a divorce, but I've known him 44 years and we had two children together. We are still friends and I care deeply about him. I want to be allowed to see him. I also want to be allowed to see his current wife and her daughter Becky. Other people may not understand the relationship, but I want to see the people I love and I love these people.

Now, it goes without saying that I want to be allowed to see my only son, his wife (Cassie) and their children. I understand that a hospital may refuse to allow the children in, but Dean and Cassie will be able to get in.

I dearly love Eric's family. I wildly love Mike, Ann, Maggie, and Joel. And, there are no words to describe how much I love Mike's wife (Ruthie). Please don't deny me the chance to see the five of them.

I understand hospital rules and regulations. They don't all have to be in the room at the same time, but please don't bar the people I love most from seeing me.

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