Thursday, June 24, 2010


This is a disaster and it is no one's fault. Everything that could go wrong has gone wrong. Eric is expecting that more will go wrong. The only thing left to go wrong is the plumbing and the electricity. Thankfully, he saved long and hard and we have a cushion. We've been saving for this for ten years. The sainted tile men are here working on the new floor. And, those two men are absolute saints!

The reason I'm moving into a hotel next time (if there is a next time) is the picture of what is left of the LR. There is not a spot in this house that is not covered with thinset grime and dust except for our bedroom and our bathroom. Every picture, every candlestick, every mirror, all the stainless steel appliances, the windows, everything will need to be dusted by hand or washed. And, all the upholstery will need to be vacuumed very well. The lampshades are even covered with the grime.

You will notice that the recliner is blocking the TV. We can't get to the TV or the remote to turn it off. The stove blocks us from getting to the recliner. Note the waffle maker sitting on top of the huge box of Saltines.

It will all work out eventually. The house needed to be cleaned anyway--not like it needs it now, but it needed to be cleaned. We'll get it done.

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