Wednesday, March 12, 2008


Recently, Eric and I had sort of a lunch/supper with my former husband and Diane. As usual, we enjoyed their company greatly. They had just returned from Mexico and a convention of professional photographers. Apparently, the convention was very enjoyable and useful to them. There was some door prize (software to help them in either photoshoping or marketing photos) that they won. Roger said that Diane jumped up and down as if she was on a game show.

Their cruise was less than pleasant for one phase of the trip. They encountered 35 foot waves. Apparently, Diane got very sick (as did almost everybody else including the crew) and Roger actually fell once due to the lurching of the ship. However, they have been cruising before so the 35 foot waves has not deterred them from future trips. Thirty-five foot waves might deter me.

Shortly after returning home, Roger went to work one day and called Diane at work. It seems that a nearly starved to death Black Lab had entered his vehicle. So, he brought him home. We got to meet Beau (the Black Lab). He had put on considerable weight since finding his new home although he was still skinny as a rale. He clearly had also been mistreated. He had wounds where his previous owners had put one of those collars on him with internal spikes which had cut his skinny neck. He also had chewed up ears. He also is very jumpy if and when you put your hand out to stroke him. Clearly hands have hit him in his short life. But, he's growing used to his new home, is devoted to Roger, and is clearly in ecstacy over an unlimited supply of food.

He had already been to the VET, but he got taken again the week after we met him. He needed to get fixed. It was a little more complicated than usual and an incision needed to be made. So, he ended up in an Elizabethan collar (to prevent him from getting to his incision). He was oblivious to the fact that he was wearing an Elizabethan collar and was bumping into all the furniture, doors, etc.

I'm very thankful that Beau got in Roger's car. Clearly, his life was at significant risk and his life will be a good life and will last much longer at Roger and Diane's home.

Beau is quite beautiful and I am grateful to have met him. We also enjoyed looking at all the pictures Roger snapped of the Mexico trip. Eric also borrowed Roger's reciprocating saw to remove the pantry that has offended him from the day he had our house built.

Overall, it was a lovely afternoon.

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