Wednesday, March 19, 2008


The common saying around here is "Don't like the weather, Blink". Well this winter, it has been snow and ice following blizzard after blizzard. Now, it's the rains and the flash flooding. Given what the winter has brought us, I'm scared to death of what the summer will bring.

I think this winter has finally broken me and I'm dreaming of the southwest--the far southwest--the desert. A few years ago, I was in New Mexico and fell in love with the climate, the terrain, and the people. Santa Fe would be delightful except for the problem of being forced to live in a cardboard box. One needs the funds of a very wealthy movie star to live there. Checking on it is possible to buy a 694 square foot condo for a mere $350,000. I think Dakota would be cramped not to mention the nearly 12,000 books I own and have no intention of throwing out.

Albuquerque is significantly more reasonable. I've gotten spoiled I guess. We live in a nice little house. At least I always thought it was little. Compared to New Mexico, it's gigantic. We have a full basement with rooms that we actually use. We have plenty of fresh clean water that comes from the tap. Of course, right now we have a backyard full of water and mud but at least it's not in the house.

This search for potential housing in New Mexico is very depressing. Thinking about packing up and moving is even more depressing. Maybe we should just give up on this dream and stay here. They don't have much ice, snow, or many floods there. But, storing all those books in a cardboard box would be difficult. Not to mention keeping Dakota from wandering from her section of the cardboard box.

So, I checked out other sites in New Mexico. Other places are more reasonable. Then, my son who is a realtor informed me that he thought the cost of living might be higher because apparently New Mexico has to import water. Right now, with the flooding, that sounds good but we really like bathing a lot in this house.

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