Wednesday, November 19, 2008


I called a homeless shelter this morning and asked them if they were serving meals Thanksgiving Day. In the past, they have. The lady said they were. I asked if they needed any help this year--money, donations, etc. The lady assured me they needed help. She said with the economy the way it is that they are full up with families and children every night and that she's sure they will have a full house for Thanksgiving. I also happen to know from watching the news that any number of young war veterans (who live on the street) get their supper there every night. She asked what I would like to do.

I told her my entire family lives out of state except my partner and he works all day every Thanksgiving so I was free for the day. She asked if I knew how to cook a turkey. Is there anybody in the world who does not know how to cook a turkey? Apparently there are, but the problem the homeless shelter faces is a huge guest list and not enough stoves to go around. They have food and people who donate money. They don't have the equipment to cook huge meals on site. Long story short, I know how to cook. And boy, do I have the stove to cook it on. I think it was just last spring that I invested in that super duper amazing stove we have sitting in the kitchen. I'm cooking a Thanksgiving dinner and hauling it to the homeless shelter. They can put the stuff on the table with the rest of the donated dinners and serve it.

It will give me something productive to do on Thanksgiving Day. I have always loved cooking traditional Thanksgiving dinner. I'm a relatively good cook. And, there are probably some hungry folks who will appreciate the food. I'll be home in time to whip something up for Eric and me that evening. He doesn't like traditional Thanksgiving food and he'll be delighted not to be faced with turkey and dressing with all the fixings. Seems a far better use for the day than just dreading it because Eric's working, my sister and her family are in Florida, and my children and grandchildren are in Texas.

I don't get to have the holiday that I loved and remember from childhood. So, I'll create a new kind of holiday------not the same, but it may be better in the long run.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008



Last night God worked yet one more miracle in His history of miracles. Barack Obama is President Elect-----an American who happens to be half white and half black. I never thought I would live to see this day, but I lived to see this day!!!!

John McCain began to redeem himself last night. The man who loved this country in his youth began to show himself again. Hopefully, the man who loved his country in his youth will come back full stage and distance himself from what he became when he lost himself in his blind ambition to become President.

Now, we must focus on driving Palin from Alaskan politics and making sure she never rises again. We don't want to drive Palin back to Alaska---she'll kill all the wolves and polar bears. She needs to be driven completely from politics--everywhere.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


This morning, I drove to my polling place (the middle school behind our house) and eventually found a parking place. It was crowed. I parked my car and had to sit in the car a few moments to collect myself. I was crying and I knew I could not walk into the school filled with long lines of prospective voters crying. I've voted in every election I was eligible to vote in since I got the right to vote. Nothing new there. I've never been moved to tears at the polling place. Every vote has counted, but no vote has ever mattered like this vote matters.


It is long past time for this country to beginning healing. It is long past time for diplomacy to once again be front and center in international relations. It is long overdue for this country to take its rightful place again with the other great countries who lead this world. It's time for healing, strength, intellect, character, guidance, compassion, ethics and morality.

As I sat in my car this morning trying to gain control of my emotions, I realized that there are people who live in history and for history. I knew also that there were other people who lived on the seconds right before history is made--before it's ever spoken, written, or taught. I realized I'm one of those people who lives on the seconds right before history is made--always have been.

Today, as the votes are being cast, are the seconds before history is made. Tomorrow it will be over.

Today is the moment! We lived it.

I lived it alone with my tears, but I lived it!