Thursday, August 12, 2010


While I was in Springfield signing on the dotted line for my new job, Eric went to the pound and was finally able to ransom Sophie out. He brought her home.

She has very dry skin and is absolutely filthy. She's scheduled for the same groomer who groomed Dakota two days ago. Sophie is going in at 9 AM. While she is in the groomer, I am going back to the humane society with her 3 ring binder. I can't figure out from the stuff they wrote if they gave her the heartworm preventitive already or if I need to give it to her. Also, I need to find out about some note they wrote about her needing a booster Distemper on the 18th. I'll get her scheduled with our VET for anything she needs. They said she needs to have her teeth cleaned. Dakota needs it more. So, I'll schedule Dakota first and Sophie a couple of days later.

Currently, they stand on either side of a closed door and growl and snarl at each other. I want to get Sophie seen by my VET before I introduce her directly to Dakota. They can stay separate until my VET clears her health wise.

I feel so sorry for her. She is very friendly and already quite attached to Eric and me. She is absolutely a "people dog". But, I don't think there has ever been anyone who provided her basic food, basic clean water, shelter, attention or love. She has no idea what a toy is. We have two boxes of 12 brand new tennis balls that were to be Jake's. He went through boxes of tennis balls like nobody's business. He loved those things. We bought boxes of tennis balls in bulk and kept them on shelves at the ready for him. Sophie has no idea what a ball is or what to do with it. I tried tossing a couple of tennis balls to her last night and she stood looking at me as if I were a fool. She showed no interest whatsoever in the tennis ball. She likes to sprawl beside me when I'm writing on the computer and she likes to plop her head in my lap as I type. But, she doesn't know how to play.

She's quite a pretty girl and once the groomer is done with her I suspect she will be even prettier. She's jet black with that Black Lab head and face. She's very tall and very skinny because she has had so little food in her life. The skinny part is actually probably healthier given that she is at least a major part Lab and they tend to be chow hounds. I don't want her to get fat, but she could use a couple of pounds.

1 comment:

Curt Rogers said...

Welcome home, Sophie! It was worth the wait! You're about to experience more love than you can possibly imagine! And don't worry about not knowing what to do with a tennis balls. You'll figure that out soon enough and you'll have more fun than you've ever dreamed of. You are a lucky lady, Soph. These good people waited a long time for you because they knew your lives were meant to be joined. They will keep you safe and healthy and do everything possible to ensure you are happy. You are a good girl.