Monday, February 25, 2008


Yesterday, I went out to purchase basic non-necessities for the comfortable life I live in this small quiet suburb with Eric and our rescue animals. This was the monthly run for fabric softener, laundry detergent, bleach, Lysol, large bags of dog food, large boxes of special cat food, English muffins, special coffee beans Beggin Strips, DVD's etc.--all the lovely little non-necessities that my spoiled safe life appears to require. There was nothing special about yesterday's shopping trip.

While out and about, in our remarkably free country, I noticed a book. Being a reader I picked it up and flipped through it and then tossed it in the cart. Books are staples in my life and sometimes it pays off to take a chance on an author I have not previously read.

Yesterday, when I got home, I read the book all the way through--every word. It's an easy, compelling read of only a little more than 300 pages. Even if it had been difficult to read, the truth is that I literally could not put it down. This may well be the most important book I've read, from the first page to the last, in ten years. I simply could not put this book down.

The book is titled INFIDEL and is written by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. I believe Ms Ali now lives somewhere in the United States.

You can buy INFIDEL at bookstores for under $30.00. Or, if you can't afford $30.00, you can borrow it from one of the public libraries in this country. We live in a free country. We can all read this book without fear of being murdered. The hardest part about reading the book was the names of people were strange to me and it was hard to keep track of who people were.

Ms Ali writes in a soft, clear, calm voice. She does not rant! She simply tells her story and the story of millions of Muslim women in countries that are not free although they may claim to be free and they may be recognized as free.

Buy or borrow this book and read it. Read every word!

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