Wednesday, February 6, 2008


The last time I wrote, I believed I was over the Flu. More or less, I was although I still don't feel all that great. I was a lot less over it than more over it.

The overwhelming problem is that I gave it to Eric. So far, he's been through two entire courses of medication from the doctor. Then, when he needed to see the doctor again because he was no better, the doctor was so overwhelmed with Flu cases that he told him to go to the ER. The ER was just as overwhelmed. Fifteen of the hospitals have been on diversion due to being overwhelmed by Flu victims. The ER experience bordered on a surrealistic circus experience.

After spending the day in the ER, he was able to see a very nice, apparently competent young doctor. They did chest Xrays and discovered that he not only had the Flu but he had pneumonia. So, he's now on two more medications. He does appear to be a little better the first few hours after he takes the medicine. Then, his lungs sound just as gurgly and full as they did when this started.

I actually requested that he update his Will. Of course, he hasn't yet, but I did get him to write up an Advanced Directive. I don't know when I've ever seen him this sick and it is really scary.

Usually, he gets one of those Flu shots. This year, the availability of the Flu shot was not announced or he didn't hear it and he forgot. I think from now on, I'll be on his behind in the early fall to not only get his Flu shot but a pneumonia shot.

It's just been a really bad two weeks. Hopefully, things will get better soon and I'll be back. I evaluated an inmate January 28 when I thought I was better. I'm hoping and praying that I did not infect the inmate and the entire prison. No living creature deserves this.

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