Saturday, August 8, 2009


I love the smell of new mulch in the morning.

Bob and his son are out back spreading new mulch all over and around my Spring bulbs. Hopefully, this will help keep a few of the weeds down. Pulling and trimming those weeds is a never ending and back breaking job. Quite overwhelming to saw the least. The bulbs bloomed beautifully this spring. It was a sea of tulips, daylilies, and Easter lilies this Spring. What's left blooming now are 4 Rose of Sharon--two snow white and two pinky lavender--quite beautiful.

Bob obtained a truckload of mulch for free from the city. The city collects yard waste, grinds it into mulch/compost and then gives it to residents if they have a truck. Eric has a truck (a very FANCY) truck. He does not haul mulch or anything else dirty in it. So, Bob obtained the mulch in his truck and hauled it over here. He and his son are spreading it.

I really am pleased that I found and hired Bob. We had been paying a huge amount of money to a company for maintaining the lawn. Their work was utterly dreadful. Thy were lazy, stupid & greedy. I fired them and hired Bob. His work is very good. Further, he is able to think. If he has knowledge of something that will solve a problem, he offers that knowledge/idea.

It's incredibly hot today. The heat index is nearly 105 degrees. It's hot hard work they are doing out back. It's too hot even for the dogs to be outside. Last time, it was this hot and we let Savvy Jo out------she had heat stroke and we spent the night with her in the Emergency VET hospital. So, hopefully, the guys will be OK.

The mulch looks wonderful--neat, tidy. And, it smells wonderful. I love the smell of fresh, new mulch in the morning.

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