Friday, July 2, 2010


Today, Pat finished the grouting. The floor is finally done. Well, not totally, I have to mop the last of the grout haze off tonight. We are still lacking the new counters, new sink, new faucet, tile back splash, cabinet hardware, and the painter. But, it's coming along. The stove got moved back in it's proper place and we have a Living Room again. It feels less chaotic.

The new pot rack is hung. I bought it in Chicago when I had a two day trial towards the end of May. Last night we started working on hanging it and found out that the ceiling rafters or joists or whatever they are called ran a different way than we thought. We also found out that the rafters or joists were significantly farther apart than the pot rack is wide. In order to find out where they were and how they ran, Eric got me the huge tall ladder out of the garage. I climbed up into the attic access with a flashlight and tape measure. I got the data, came down the ladder, did not close the attic access and went to tell him what I'd found. When he went back to the ladder because whatever I said to him made no sense, he discovered that Fraidy Sadie had climbed the ladder and was buried in attic insulation. She hates strangers, doesn't like change and loves to hideout in high places. This is the cat who lived on the top of the AC ducts in the basement for four years only coming down to eat and use her box (when we were gone). The only way we knew she was in residence was we could climb the ladder and see her green eyes peering out at us from the darkness. Anyway, last night Eric had to rescue the stupid cat from the attic insulation and she fought the rescue with all her strength. After rescuing Fraidy Sadie, he discovered that we needed some different hardware to hang the pot rack. He got it today and hung the pot rack. It's beginning to come together. Less chaos. Still messy, but I'm cleaning as fast as I can.

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