Saturday, August 14, 2010


Sophie is such a surprise. When we met her at the pound, she was this lively dancing dog. Now, I understand that when a dog is living in a cage (possibly on death row because of the dog death panels) and one of the attendants removes you from the cage and takes you to meet people who have requested to see you, a dog wants to impress. Hell, we're talking potential death row due to age issues vs a potential home with people who actually value life.

It's a good thing we named her Sophie for she truly is a Zen dog full of wisdom. It's like she's meditates 24 hours a day. She contemplates the world, just watching and taking it all in.

She has done absolutely nothing wrong since she got here. She's had no accidents and she dutifully comes and gets one of us and tells us when she needs to go outside. I'm a tad worried because (except for Cheddar Cheese) she literally does not eat anything at all. It's no wonder she's skinny as a rail. She won't eat soft canned food or dry food. She won't eat liver snaps. She has no interest at all in Beggin' Strips. Dakota is so relieved about the Beggin' Strips. At this point, I'd be relieved if Sophie stole some food. She does not jump on furniture or knock things off tables. She ignores the cat. The cat is relieved. She likes to go outside with either of us. She likes being on her leash and does not want to go into the double fenced back yard by herself. She wants one of us with her at all times when she's outside.

For the most part she sleeps on the couch or behind me when I'm at the computer. Alternately, she follows Eric to his office and sprawls behind him when he's on his computer. Sometimes, she wanders through the house checking it out to see what's here, but always there is that calm, quiet, contemplative, meditative quality to her. She doesn't even bark. It's like having a cloistered nun who keeps a vow of silence move in.

None of this is a complaint. Dogs, like people, are all different and have their own personalities and style. She reminds me incredibly of that big dog that sleeps in Jesse Stone's big chair in the Jesse Stone series. Mainly, I'm a little concerned with the not eating. I'm going to talk to the VET Tuesday about this not eating anything at all thing. She doesn't like regular inexpensive American cheese. She will eat expensive Cheddar Cheese!


Curt Rogers said...

I'm sure she's experiencing some anxiety about her new setting. It's not that she doesn't appreciate it but she still has to acclimate. Just make sure she's drinking. I'm so happy she's safe and home!

Marty said...

She's drinking plenty of water and going out and peeing up a storm. But, she won't eat a bite of anything except the most expensive of Cheddar Cheese. She will eat the Cheddar I buy Eric that is so expensive with sliver it off with a cheese slicer set to deliver the thinnest of cheese curl. When she sees the VET Tuesday, I am going to discuss this with her. She's skin and bones as it is. She was when they picked her up off the street.