Thursday, September 11, 2008


While I was in trial this morning, the doctor called and left a message to call him. I did. He got the results of my doppler sonogram and said that both my carotid arteries are significantly blocked. He said that this is not an emergency and he doesn't think I need emergency surgery--like tomorrow. He did, however, want me to contact a specific cardiovascular surgeon. So, I'm trying. Not having a lot of luck getting through, but I'll keep trying.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Tomorrow morning I'm scheduled to have a sonogram of my carotid arteries. My doctor believes there is some sort of build up of plaque (or something) and is concerned that I may be vulnerable to a stroke. He's especially concerned because my blood pressure gets a bit on the high side at times. In truth, I've had serious problems in the past with very significantly elevated blood pressure. He hears something called bruits in both arteries. I've had this procedure done previously because two other doctors heard these bruits. Last time, I had it done the sonogram came back non-problematic.

So, here we go again.

They have a rather disgusting sounding procedure they do if the sonogram shows anything serious. It's a lot like a plumber does when your pipes get stopped up or when tree roots get in your sewer line.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


I'll be gone most of the week.

Headed way up north today for a trial tomorrow. Return tomorrow evening quite late. Tuesday, I get up very early to take dogs to VET for rabies shots, do court prep for a trial on Tbhursday and let the garage door fixer people in---the garage door won't open. A huge spring broke. Wednesday, I have the sonogram on the arteries in my neck. Thursday, I have another trial.

Thankfully, the parole board relented and changed their minds about letting a guy out of prison who was serving 300 years (this time) for murder and raping a young woman after she was dead. Finally, they listened to reason that this man was not a first time offender, but had been convicted of murder in four other states, a couple of kidnappings, a least one other rape, and a multitude of less heinous crimes. So, at least I don't have to meet with him in a room alone and evaluate him. Until a multitude of objections were registered, they were actually going to let him out.

Yesterday, the tiller man came and installed the drainage pipe I wanted installed. I wanted it to drain water away from the front of the house and towards a tree. He suggested that the addition of about a ton of dirt graded so that it slopes away front the house would also be helpful. So Tuesday, I also need to make arrangements for a ton of dirt to be delivered. Once delivered, I'll need to spread it so that it has the correct grade.

The Rose of Sharons I planted a little over a week ago are blooming to beat the band. The new fence provides a wonderful backdrop for their delicate blossoms. So far the dogs have sniffed them, but carefully avoided stepping on anything. Yesterday, I bought a 100 each of daffodils and mixed tulips and will need to get them planted within the week.

Early next week, I'm contacting the furnace man to have to furnace replaced before winter. It's Eric's birthday present--not very romantic or sentimental--but he is a major problem in terms of birthday and Christmas presents. This present will, at least, save him from spending a couple of grand. Yesterday, talked him into going and getting the materials to replace the weatherstripping and the "sweep" on the French doors. Hopefully, that will be completed this next week.

I'm beginning to feel like a squirrel preparing for the long winter and early spring.

Friday, September 5, 2008


Recently, someone I know and love commented to me that he read that Steinem "dissed" Palin. Not having read anything by Steinem in many years (or even heard her named mentioned in as many years), I replied that I did not know about it.

Personally, I was utterly appalled when Palin was put on any ticket anywhere--much less on the ticket a heartbeat from the Presidency. I understand exactly why the party did it. They needed to rouse the far right wing conservative base and religious zealots so they put a far right wing conservative, religious zealot on the ticket--however unqualified. And, they succeeded in rousing the far right wing conservatives and religious zealots.

What puzzles me is how an intelligent man can even, for a moment, believe that intelligent women (who might want a woman to eventually become the President or Vice President) would be willing to settle for any woman--as long as she's a woman. He said to me that he thought women would have been proud that finally a woman was on the ticket. Palin rejects reproductive rights and stem cell research. She supports abstinence-only programs. Palin wants Creationism taught in schools. She would completely destroy the environment and all endangered species with her focus on drilling for oil. She's been the mayor of a town of about 8,000 people and left it seriously in debt when she became governor.

She knows nothing of foreign affairs or foreign policy. And, this is my overwhelming concern. This scares me half to death! She'll be a heartbeat from the Presidency and the President will be a 72 year old man who has had repeated bouts with a highly lethal form of skin cancer. Sadly, if the Republican ticket is elected in all likelihood she'll become President.

I have always respected Senator McCain. I believe he once loved this country. He remains a true hero for his life of service. But, with this decision, he decided to put his desire to be President above his love of this country. Why else would he risk "willing" this country to Palin's unqualified hands. He didn't sell his country out as a young man, but he sold America out in his pursuit of the Presidency.

Now, I understand that the far right wing conservative and religious zealots will vote for the ticket because she's on it, but it is my greatest hope that intelligent people will see through this political gamesmanship and be able to recognize and reject the pandering to right-wing idealogues.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Either Fall has arrived or remnants of Gustav has arrived. I've been complaining about the heat all summer. It's pouring down rain and it's a very cold rain!

I took Dakota in for chemo this morning and we were both soaked to the skin--literally drenched. Holly, Jake and Savannah Jo are refusing to leave their beds. Well, they did walk to the French doors, observe Dakota getting drenched and trotted back to their beds and their blankets. It was Thanks, but No thanks.

The rain is incredibly cold, we have some wind and the rain stings my skin as it hits me. Feels like little not quite yet ice slivers. I dearly love this kind of whether and the beginning of fall. Given that we live in St. Louis, the weather will probably turn and bake us for several more weeks so I need to enjoy this while it lasts.