Friday, September 5, 2008


Recently, someone I know and love commented to me that he read that Steinem "dissed" Palin. Not having read anything by Steinem in many years (or even heard her named mentioned in as many years), I replied that I did not know about it.

Personally, I was utterly appalled when Palin was put on any ticket anywhere--much less on the ticket a heartbeat from the Presidency. I understand exactly why the party did it. They needed to rouse the far right wing conservative base and religious zealots so they put a far right wing conservative, religious zealot on the ticket--however unqualified. And, they succeeded in rousing the far right wing conservatives and religious zealots.

What puzzles me is how an intelligent man can even, for a moment, believe that intelligent women (who might want a woman to eventually become the President or Vice President) would be willing to settle for any woman--as long as she's a woman. He said to me that he thought women would have been proud that finally a woman was on the ticket. Palin rejects reproductive rights and stem cell research. She supports abstinence-only programs. Palin wants Creationism taught in schools. She would completely destroy the environment and all endangered species with her focus on drilling for oil. She's been the mayor of a town of about 8,000 people and left it seriously in debt when she became governor.

She knows nothing of foreign affairs or foreign policy. And, this is my overwhelming concern. This scares me half to death! She'll be a heartbeat from the Presidency and the President will be a 72 year old man who has had repeated bouts with a highly lethal form of skin cancer. Sadly, if the Republican ticket is elected in all likelihood she'll become President.

I have always respected Senator McCain. I believe he once loved this country. He remains a true hero for his life of service. But, with this decision, he decided to put his desire to be President above his love of this country. Why else would he risk "willing" this country to Palin's unqualified hands. He didn't sell his country out as a young man, but he sold America out in his pursuit of the Presidency.

Now, I understand that the far right wing conservative and religious zealots will vote for the ticket because she's on it, but it is my greatest hope that intelligent people will see through this political gamesmanship and be able to recognize and reject the pandering to right-wing idealogues.

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