Monday, October 20, 2008


As a election draws near and one candidate shows a whopping big lead in the polls, it's a temptation not to bother to vote because all the talk is that he/she is going to win---the polls say so.

DON'T BELIEVE IT!!! Races tend to tighten in the last few days or even hours, people do strange things once they get in voting booths (things they'd be ashamed to admit in public), races can be lost simply because YOU got lazy and over confident.

Let nothing keep you from voting!!! This is the most important election in my 62 years. GO VOTE. Don't let the TV or newspapers help you get lazy. You do not want to wake up November 5, 2008 and realize that you could have saved it. GO VOTE!!!! IT'S THE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU CAN DO IN YOUR LIFE. VOTE!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Great General

Today, General Colin Powell (the former Secretary of State) endorsed Barack Obama. Today, all I can do is thank God for General Powell. His timing was perfect!

I know all the hate filled, right wing idealogues will say he endorsed him because they are both black.

But, I know race had nothing to do with this endorsement.. He provided his reasons for Obama and against the Republican Party intelligently and with great articulation. And, I totally agreed with his analysis.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


This week, I've watched the IRA that I've scrimped and saved and done without for the last 30 years get flushed down the toilet. It's worth less than 1/2 it was just 6 months ago. At this point, there is nothing left to do but tie a knot in the rope and hold on with both hands. There's no use locking in those losses. Right now, they are paper losses. Hopefully, the bottom feeders will come out soon and start buying those intrinsically valuable stocks for pennies on the dollar. It doesn't bother me if the bottom feeders get richer, I just want them to buy stocks and drive my IRA somewhere near black again. It's really hard to watch everything you have scrimped and saved for, all the things you have done without for just be wiped out because of a corrupt political system in bed with corrupt high rollers.

There's nothing to do but hold on with both hands and keep working. Tuesday, I drive way down south to testify Wednesday in a major trial. Thursday, I drive way up north so I can evaluate a guy on Friday. Meanwhile, I have 6 months worth of non-reimbursed travel expenses. Eventually, they'll pay us. But, the truth is the state has not been honoring their contract to pay my company for past work (in addition to past expenses) so my company has been having to eat payroll for about three months. Don't know how long any small business can keep that up before they go under.

Meanwhile, we're about to elect another VP who abuses the power of her office to accomplish her personal vendettas. Not to mention that she is dedicated to wiping out the infant wildlife of Alaska and slaughter all the adult wildlife so they can't reproduce. I guess only she and hers get to reproduce. I guess it's her embracing her own "culture of life" which extends to her progeny and their offspring. Meanwhile, she's whipping her right wing idealogues into a murderous frenzy and directed it towards her opponents. I genuinely fear for my own life if that woman is elected. I also fear for my own personal freedom of speech and fully expect to have the privacy of my U.S. Mail violated and my internet activity hacked.

Not only do we need to make sure the woman is NOT ELECTED, we need to make sure the woman is impeached once she returns to Alaska. A bipartisan commission of 8 Republicans and 4 Democrats found that she abused her power as Governor. Abuse of Power is a violation of the ethical standards required of the Governor and is an impeachable offense. The only way to stop that woman from slaughtering wildlife at will is to impeach her and hopefully put her in prison for crimes against life.

Monday, October 6, 2008


There are times when all of us must simply love our country above and beyond all else. Men and woman make the ultimate sacrifice for this country.

Please love your country today. Watch the video at:

Do this for your country today. And then, cast the most important vote you'll ever cast in your life this coming November.



I am Christian. As a Christian, I learned that we have responsibility to all living things across gender, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, species, etc. I learned and I will always believe, that if a person persecutes one group then they will also persecute other groups that are "different" from them.

Palin presents herself as embracing a "culture of life". What culture of life was she embracing the June morning when her hired guns pulled 14 sleeping baby wolves from their den and put a bullet through each and every tiny head. Her hired guns were Alaskan state employees paid with tax money. Other Alaskan state employees had already that morning run the pups' mother and her entire pack to exhaustion in state-chartered helicopters and then shot them with bullets (purchased with state tax money). They were allowed to die in the frigid cold of the snow---writhing in pain and chewing at their backs were the bullets entered their bodies.

So far, 800 wolves have been shot from state chartered helicopters by Alaskan state employees this year. Another 2,000 have been killed by other methods. That's the reported deaths. Palin tried to put a $150 bounty on each foreleg of a dead wolf. Thankfully, her wolf bounty was ruled illegal by the courts. The Friends of Animals, Alaska Wildlife Alliance and Defenders of Wildlife worked very hard to stop the $150 bounty. Unfortunately to date nothing has been able to stop the aerial hunting or the "denning" (pulling of infant wolves from their dens and shooting them through the head).

This behavior does not represent a "culture of life". This woman is cruel, viscious and represents savagery at his height. Do you want a Vice President with this level of savagery? If McCain/Palin are elected, this woman would in all probability become President. Do you want a President with this level of savagery? Aren't we fighting a war to get rid of a dictator who ran her a good race for savagery?

If you want to help, the first thing you need to do is
1) Vote against McCain/Palin. Without a doubt, that is the most important vote you will ever cast in your life.
2) Contact and join Friends of Animals, Alaska Wildlife Alliance, and Defenders of Wildlife. They need donations. They need you to sign petitions. They need you to write to Congress. They need you to write to the media.
3) The national media is not covering the slaughter of wolves and polar bears led by Palin. I suspect they are afraid of being accused of partisanship. If this story is to be covered by the media, we the people are going to have to force them to cover it. WRITE AND CALL THE MEDIA!!!! DEMAND THAT THEY COVER THE CRUELTY AND SAVAGERY OF THIS WOMAN!!!
4) We need to find ways to send her back to Alaska and REMOVE her from power. Ideally, she'll be tried and put in prison where she belongs.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


Go to

I'm 62 today, and grieving baby wolves

Big day! I've made it to 62. I've been away for a time because I've been dealing with work and medical tests.

I'm pleased to announce that I don't have to have surgery now. I have to be inserted into that dreadful coffin tube with noises that sound like jackhammers and machine guns while radioactive dye is dripped into my arteries every three months until it's time for surgery. But, today I am alive and I don't have to have surgery right now. The medical profession calls that coffin tube an MRA. Hate it, hate it, hate it!!!!

Eric and I have a new grand nephew. Jenny and Ryan's son (Kaden) was born October 1, 2008. Beautiful baby boy!

The privacy fence is up and sealed with wood preservative and the new furnace, AC, air cleaner and humidifier is in. It's too hot to use it, but winter will come and we'll be warm. The system was Eric's birthday present from me. Yes, I know it wasn't romantic or sentimental. But, we've been together a long time. He'll appreciate it this winter.

On my 62nd birthday while I'm thanking God that he has allowed me to live this long, I grieve the slaughter of baby wolves at the behest of our Republican VP candidate. The cubs were 4 weeks old. They were sleeping peacefully in their den. Unfortunately, the mother had made the grave mistake of giving birth to them on state owned land. So, Sarah Palin and the great white hunters (Alaskan state employees) she helicoptered into their habitat pulled them one by one from their natal den and put a bullet into their brain. Their mother was slaughtered by the same state employees by bullets from a low flying helicopter. She pays $150 for each forepaw of a dead wolf.

Do we really want a woman capable of such savagery as Vice President of the United States? If you want to help the fight for the survival of American wolves, please visit Humane Society of the United States and learn what you can do. Clearly, the most important thing you will ever do in your life is vote against McCain/Palin. There won't be a wolf or polar bear left alive anywhere if McCain/Palin is elected. Vote against McCain/Palin. Save the world!!!!