Monday, October 20, 2008


As a election draws near and one candidate shows a whopping big lead in the polls, it's a temptation not to bother to vote because all the talk is that he/she is going to win---the polls say so.

DON'T BELIEVE IT!!! Races tend to tighten in the last few days or even hours, people do strange things once they get in voting booths (things they'd be ashamed to admit in public), races can be lost simply because YOU got lazy and over confident.

Let nothing keep you from voting!!! This is the most important election in my 62 years. GO VOTE. Don't let the TV or newspapers help you get lazy. You do not want to wake up November 5, 2008 and realize that you could have saved it. GO VOTE!!!! IT'S THE MOST IMPORTANT THING YOU CAN DO IN YOUR LIFE. VOTE!

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