Monday, October 6, 2008


I am Christian. As a Christian, I learned that we have responsibility to all living things across gender, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, nationality, species, etc. I learned and I will always believe, that if a person persecutes one group then they will also persecute other groups that are "different" from them.

Palin presents herself as embracing a "culture of life". What culture of life was she embracing the June morning when her hired guns pulled 14 sleeping baby wolves from their den and put a bullet through each and every tiny head. Her hired guns were Alaskan state employees paid with tax money. Other Alaskan state employees had already that morning run the pups' mother and her entire pack to exhaustion in state-chartered helicopters and then shot them with bullets (purchased with state tax money). They were allowed to die in the frigid cold of the snow---writhing in pain and chewing at their backs were the bullets entered their bodies.

So far, 800 wolves have been shot from state chartered helicopters by Alaskan state employees this year. Another 2,000 have been killed by other methods. That's the reported deaths. Palin tried to put a $150 bounty on each foreleg of a dead wolf. Thankfully, her wolf bounty was ruled illegal by the courts. The Friends of Animals, Alaska Wildlife Alliance and Defenders of Wildlife worked very hard to stop the $150 bounty. Unfortunately to date nothing has been able to stop the aerial hunting or the "denning" (pulling of infant wolves from their dens and shooting them through the head).

This behavior does not represent a "culture of life". This woman is cruel, viscious and represents savagery at his height. Do you want a Vice President with this level of savagery? If McCain/Palin are elected, this woman would in all probability become President. Do you want a President with this level of savagery? Aren't we fighting a war to get rid of a dictator who ran her a good race for savagery?

If you want to help, the first thing you need to do is
1) Vote against McCain/Palin. Without a doubt, that is the most important vote you will ever cast in your life.
2) Contact and join Friends of Animals, Alaska Wildlife Alliance, and Defenders of Wildlife. They need donations. They need you to sign petitions. They need you to write to Congress. They need you to write to the media.
3) The national media is not covering the slaughter of wolves and polar bears led by Palin. I suspect they are afraid of being accused of partisanship. If this story is to be covered by the media, we the people are going to have to force them to cover it. WRITE AND CALL THE MEDIA!!!! DEMAND THAT THEY COVER THE CRUELTY AND SAVAGERY OF THIS WOMAN!!!
4) We need to find ways to send her back to Alaska and REMOVE her from power. Ideally, she'll be tried and put in prison where she belongs.

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