Saturday, October 11, 2008


This week, I've watched the IRA that I've scrimped and saved and done without for the last 30 years get flushed down the toilet. It's worth less than 1/2 it was just 6 months ago. At this point, there is nothing left to do but tie a knot in the rope and hold on with both hands. There's no use locking in those losses. Right now, they are paper losses. Hopefully, the bottom feeders will come out soon and start buying those intrinsically valuable stocks for pennies on the dollar. It doesn't bother me if the bottom feeders get richer, I just want them to buy stocks and drive my IRA somewhere near black again. It's really hard to watch everything you have scrimped and saved for, all the things you have done without for just be wiped out because of a corrupt political system in bed with corrupt high rollers.

There's nothing to do but hold on with both hands and keep working. Tuesday, I drive way down south to testify Wednesday in a major trial. Thursday, I drive way up north so I can evaluate a guy on Friday. Meanwhile, I have 6 months worth of non-reimbursed travel expenses. Eventually, they'll pay us. But, the truth is the state has not been honoring their contract to pay my company for past work (in addition to past expenses) so my company has been having to eat payroll for about three months. Don't know how long any small business can keep that up before they go under.

Meanwhile, we're about to elect another VP who abuses the power of her office to accomplish her personal vendettas. Not to mention that she is dedicated to wiping out the infant wildlife of Alaska and slaughter all the adult wildlife so they can't reproduce. I guess only she and hers get to reproduce. I guess it's her embracing her own "culture of life" which extends to her progeny and their offspring. Meanwhile, she's whipping her right wing idealogues into a murderous frenzy and directed it towards her opponents. I genuinely fear for my own life if that woman is elected. I also fear for my own personal freedom of speech and fully expect to have the privacy of my U.S. Mail violated and my internet activity hacked.

Not only do we need to make sure the woman is NOT ELECTED, we need to make sure the woman is impeached once she returns to Alaska. A bipartisan commission of 8 Republicans and 4 Democrats found that she abused her power as Governor. Abuse of Power is a violation of the ethical standards required of the Governor and is an impeachable offense. The only way to stop that woman from slaughtering wildlife at will is to impeach her and hopefully put her in prison for crimes against life.

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