Sunday, October 5, 2008

I'm 62 today, and grieving baby wolves

Big day! I've made it to 62. I've been away for a time because I've been dealing with work and medical tests.

I'm pleased to announce that I don't have to have surgery now. I have to be inserted into that dreadful coffin tube with noises that sound like jackhammers and machine guns while radioactive dye is dripped into my arteries every three months until it's time for surgery. But, today I am alive and I don't have to have surgery right now. The medical profession calls that coffin tube an MRA. Hate it, hate it, hate it!!!!

Eric and I have a new grand nephew. Jenny and Ryan's son (Kaden) was born October 1, 2008. Beautiful baby boy!

The privacy fence is up and sealed with wood preservative and the new furnace, AC, air cleaner and humidifier is in. It's too hot to use it, but winter will come and we'll be warm. The system was Eric's birthday present from me. Yes, I know it wasn't romantic or sentimental. But, we've been together a long time. He'll appreciate it this winter.

On my 62nd birthday while I'm thanking God that he has allowed me to live this long, I grieve the slaughter of baby wolves at the behest of our Republican VP candidate. The cubs were 4 weeks old. They were sleeping peacefully in their den. Unfortunately, the mother had made the grave mistake of giving birth to them on state owned land. So, Sarah Palin and the great white hunters (Alaskan state employees) she helicoptered into their habitat pulled them one by one from their natal den and put a bullet into their brain. Their mother was slaughtered by the same state employees by bullets from a low flying helicopter. She pays $150 for each forepaw of a dead wolf.

Do we really want a woman capable of such savagery as Vice President of the United States? If you want to help the fight for the survival of American wolves, please visit Humane Society of the United States and learn what you can do. Clearly, the most important thing you will ever do in your life is vote against McCain/Palin. There won't be a wolf or polar bear left alive anywhere if McCain/Palin is elected. Vote against McCain/Palin. Save the world!!!!

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