Sunday, July 20, 2008


I spent the last week in Fort Worth. I'm home finally. The airports were not bad at all. My bag arrived with the plane both in Ft. Worth and St. Louis. It had been searched when I arrived in Ft. Worth and nothing at been replaced in any semblance of order. Wrinkles everywhere!!!

I'm very happy to be home to the quiet, peace and order. But, I did get to see my grandchildren and the dogs. The grandchildren are incredibly beautiful and the dogs are wonderful. I fell in love with the Corgi and the Jack Russel the first time I ever met them--years ago. And, of course, I love my son beyond all reason and measure. I'm incredibly proud of him! His wife is significantly improved medically and that is a good thing. Hopefully, she'll be able to return to work within the next few months. I did several loads of laundry and repeatedly picked up a lot of toys. There are so many toys it looks like a toy store. The box Eric shipped before I left finally arrived on Monday. I wish I could have been more helpful. I was willing to be a lot more helpful.

Home is very peaceful and I love its peace. Eric and I both love peace in her lives and quiet in our home. I went to City Hall and picked up an application for a privacy fence. The city recently changed the law and now we are permitted to have privacy fences. The only thing I did not like about living here was the lack of a privacy fence. I'm planning to have one put in this summer. I hate being on view to every neighbor every time I venture into the back yard. As a result, I don't work on the back yard much and never use it. Once the privacy fence is in, I hope to start working on the back yard and actually using it.

It will be good exercise and will give me something genuinely positive to do that will add to the value of the house.

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