Thursday, July 31, 2008


While I was in Texas, I communicated with Catherine and she told me she had seven cases for me upon my return. The boxes of data were waiting when I got home. I was pleased to see the boxes because it's always nice to have work.

As I went through the information, I was surprised to see that none of them were new cases. They were all parole violators. Thankfully, only one was someone I had let out on parole. All the rest were cases other professionals had let out on parole. Then, I got an eighth case a few days later and it was another one I'd let out on parole.

The interesting thing was that none of these men met statutory criteria when they were evaluated previously. And, they all committed the same parole violation. When sex offenders are on parole they have an automatic restriction about internet access. All of these men, violated their parole by performing autoerotic activities in the nude in front on a web cam and then sending those videos by cell phone to underage females. When parents complained to different police agencies scattered hither and yon, the parolees then sent the same autoerotic images to a variety of policemen posing as underage females. These female children and complaining parents were in a variety of states as far away as Florida and Texas. Some of the police were in states as far away as Florida and Texas.

I'm so technologically illiterate and computer illiterate, I didn't even know that one could send video by cell phone that had been made in front of a web cam. Truth is that although my phone takes pictures, I can't take good pictures and can't figure out how to get the pictures into my computer. I also can't figure out text messaging. I'm not sure if my phone takes video. When Ann was so sick and in the hospital, her oldest daughter would sometimes text me. I always had to have Eric figure out how to get to the "text message" and read it to me. I just use my phone primarily for business purposes and I only talk to people like Catherine, my boss, parole officers, assistant attorney generals, etc. Sex offenders must be a lot smarter than me in terms of technological skill.

Of course, I question the intellect of anyone who would engage in such behavior with underage children much less with policemen posing as underage children. When this behavior is discussed with them they always say the same thing. They say "I didn't know it was a cop" and report they would not have engaged in the behavior if they knew it was a cop. No, they would have just engaged in the behavior with underage children.

These parole violations potentially edge them closer to meeting statutory criteria. First, they can't or don't cooperate with supervision (parole). Second, they violate the rules of parole. Third, clearly they are back in their "offending cycle" even though they have not actually put their hands on any child yet. It is interesting to note that many of these men were attempting to set up "meets" with the young female children. In some cases, they did set up "meets" with indiviudals they believed to be young female children and were surprised that they had scheduled a "meet" with a big, middle aged, male, cop. Must have been disappointing. Some of the police I know are quite attractive, but others are less than attractive.

Some of these parole violators will still not meet statutory criteria simply because they did not put their hands on an underage child this time. What I am wondering is where are the Feds? This business of setting up "meets" with children as far away as Florida and Texas should violate some Federal law--at least I think it should. Florida and Texas parents were really complaining and complaining loudly! At any rate, there seems to be an increasing problem with predatory exhibitionism by cell phone.

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