Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Tomorrow morning, I'm having Eric drop me at the airport before he heads to work. I'm flying to Dallas to see Dean, Cassie and hopefully provide a little help to my son. Eric shipped a "Grandma box" yesterday.

In the olden days, I loved to fly. I don't like flying anymore. But, I'm relatively good at it. I have Eric drop me off wearing little cloth slip-on bedroom slippers. That way I can avoid having to remove my shoes and walk around barefoot where the good Lord alone knows who has walked barefoot.

I'm taking only one bag. Normally, I take a bag that has all my grooming supplies in it and a bag with my clothes. Without doubt I'll have to do laundry before I can come home. I am optimistically (hoping) they don't lose my bag again. Usually, they lose my bag. Since they are now charging $15.00 to $25.00 extra for each bag, I'm only taking the one bag. I wonder if I can get the $15.00 or $25.00 back if they lose my bag again. The audacity of passengers to expect to take a change of clothing with them on a week long trip. I've stuffed all my medicines in my purse. Truth is that I would die (literally) without my meds and I can't trust them not to lose the suitcase. The few pieces of costume jewelry I'm taking will go in the purse also. I can't trust them not to steal the few pieces of costume jewelry.

I don't wear the jewelry to the airport. It sets the metal detectors off and then I'll be patted down. When possible, I prefer to avoid being frisked by strangers. Last time, I was required to remove my big sun hat and my sunglasses. I know, I look exactly like a terrorist. Overweight, middle-aged (closing in on elderly), freckled, peaches and cream, strawberry blonde/grey haired, green eyed woman who looks for all the world like an old Irish woman. Maybe they think I'm a representative of the IRA. I thought the IRA was now defunct.

Can any of you remember when we looked forward to flying. We dressed up. We could take a coffee or soda on board. We had legroom. We were served peanuts. Horror of horrors, we could smoke in flight. It used to be an occassion--the trip alone used to be a celebration. Now, the tension is so high it feels as though one is crossing Checkpoint Charlie illegally. For you young folks, Checkpoint Charlie is a checkpoint where lots of people crossed during the Cold War. It was featured in a lot of old movies and novels.

Now, every airplane flight is dreaded. Late departures, late arrivals, cancelled flights, no legroom and TSA officials who do their best to imitate the Gestapo or KGB.

But, grandmother's will endure most anything to see their grandchildren. So, I'm getting on that plane in spite of the degradation and humiliation. And, I will see Ephram Paul and Gideon Michael for a week. Hopefully, I'll be able to provide a little help to my son.


Curt Rogers said...

The beauty of your writing is that despite the frustration and fear, the annoyances, you are always charming and insightful. I know this trip is not one built on pleasure, but knowing you have your sense of humor assures me that you'll be just fine!

I have faith in you, even if you do look like a terrorist!

Marty said...

Thank you Curt!!!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

Your support is appreciated beyond anything you can imagine.
