Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Saturday night, Dakota had just finished eating supper--lightly dusted with Parmesan cheese--she'll refuse to eat and simply sit quietly by her food bowl starring at us until we dust it with Parmesan. Eric was giving her the routine nightly massage. Dakota is just a tad spoiled.

He found a small lump on the opposite side from the site of her original tumors. I called the VET at 8:30 am on Monday and got her in to see the VET yesterday. By the time, she saw the VET it was already much larger than on Saturday. She has cancer again. They were able to do a slide in the VET's office and it's for sure. She has surgery Thursday, her labs get sent to the University of Missouri, and as soon as the results come back she will start chemo again. The University of MO results will tell us the grade and give some guidance on the dosage of the chemo.

And so, we start the battle again. There's no other reasonable choice.

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