Tuesday, June 24, 2008


On a regular day before Cassie got sick, my son worked two jobs, did a lot of housework, and did a much of the child care for two young sons. Now, my son is attempting to do all that he was doing before this happened and desperately trying to save his wife's life.

I spoke to him this morning. He was attempting to get her in the car and the two boys in their car seats to take her to the doctor again. They are seeing their regular doctor this morning and trying to get her in to a neurologist as soon as posible.

Ephram, the very independent 2 1/2 year old, was trying to help by getting into the car on his own and pinched his finger in the door. Thank God, he did not smash his finger.

I've talked to my boss and gotten approval to go to Texas as soon as possible. Dean asked me to wait. Right now, the hospital staff is developing a "round robin" list of staff to come to the house and help with the boys and Cassie. They also have a set of close friends and they and their families of origin have offered to come to the house and help with the children, housework, and Cassie. God Bless Texans!

As wonderful as Texans are and as wonderful as the hospital staff are in setting up the "round robin" of caretakers all those people have full time jobs, houses, kids, families and eventually they will get exhausted also.

Last night, right after Dean called me, I called his father. His father has every right to know that something horrible beyond imagination has happened to Dean. Dean and his father have been estranged for the last couple of years. It's heartbreaking because his father has always loved Dean with the same passion that Dean loves his own sons. In fact, when I observe Dean with his boys, it is like looking at his father with Dean when he was a small boy. There simply was and is no greater love. I know that Dean's father thinks about him every single day of his life. And, he grieves the separation that has occured between him and his only living child. Currently, he is as terrified and frantic as I am. I know he left a message for Dean on his voicemail last night. I don't know if Dean even got the message. Sometimes, I leave messages and he doesn't remember to stop what he's doing and pick up his voicemail. Sometimes, we play telephone tag for days on end. I know that on normal days, before he was needing to provide round the clock care, for his wife--he was working two jobs, providing round the clock care for two infants and trying to stay on top of housework. I hope and pray that he responds to his father. His father desperately wants to provide comfort, emotional support, and care for him. And, if Dean ever needed his father in his life, he needs him now.

1 comment:

Curt Rogers said...

Please know that my prayers are with your son and his family.