Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Dakota had to have her stitches checked today. They aren't ready to come out and she has a tiny bit of serum buildup. Terri said to keep her on the Benedryl and the antibiotic, but that the stitches looked really good. There are two tension stitches that may be able to come out Thursday. The remaining 45 will come out in about two weeks.

The pathology reports have not come in yet. I wanted Terri to do Dakota's blood work today and start her on chemo Thursday. But, she refused explaining that we had to wait for the pathology report because all cancers are different and require a specific chemo recipe. She doesn't want to be giving Dakota chemo that is not going to do her any good.

I'm eager to get it started as soon as possible because this is her second cancer episode and I want to do everything possible to kill the cancer as quickly as possible. But, we're going to have to wait.

This was the kind of VET visit Dakota likes. They looked at her stitches, but didn't do anything to her. She got lots of love from all the staff, got lots of pets, had a nice car ride and got treats, but they didn't do anything to her. She likes to go visit, but doesn't enjoy having stuff done to her.

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