Thursday, June 19, 2008


Eric left very early this morning to drive to Wichita to visit Ann. On his way, he is stopping to pick up his younger brother, Joel, so they can both visit. Joel just visited while Ann was in the hospital, but I guess he wants to visit again and it will give Eric a chance to show off his new vehicle and some bonding time with his younger brother. I hope and pray they told Ann they were planning to visit. I strongly prefer visits and social activities by appointment. Eric is more informal than I am.

I took Dakota in to the VET this morning and she got her stitches removed. The wound has to be checked next Wednesday and then the following week she can start chemo--I hope.

I received a piece of that hate mail by email recently. It was quite disturbing. I recognize that it was authored by an angry, hate filled, venon spewing, blowheart who shoots off his mouth instead of actively working productively for the political candidate of his choice. I suspect that he is so much of a loose cannon and so intellectually dysregulated that no political candidate would risk allowing him to volunteer. This man was spewing hate, lies, gossip, spreading rumors, name calling. My impression is that he's an intellectually and psychologically small man who is desperately attempting to present himself as an intellectually and psychologically big man with his lies, gossip, name calling and rumor spreading. His verbalizations remind me of the verbalizations I've seen so very often in chronic mental patients who have been forensically or civilly committed to state hospitals. He's a pitiful man. Unfortunately, I fear that he may also be a dangerous man. But, as of yet, he has not communicated any direct threats. His entire five page rant was indirectly threating--not to me personally--but threatening.

While reading his rants disturbs me greatly, it can be important to keep track of the thinking of dangerous people. Right now, I'm focused on staying as far away from him as possible. In comparison, he makes right wing conservatives look like far left wing liberals. There's no doubt in my mind that he is a seriously disturbed individual.

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