Monday, January 21, 2008


I called my sister yesterday. I email her several times a week, but she doesn't answer email. She reads it. She just doesn't answer. Eric has a sister like that also.

My sister's reason is that her work life is consumed by the computer and she wants to keep her personal life without computers. Eric's sister says she doesn't know how to use email. However, she uses email at work and plays card games on the computer.. His sister did phone Saturday. Her daughter is expecting her first child in September about a month or so after her younger daughter gets married. Glad she called to let us know.

This non-email use by people in my family drives me buggy. I don't know how people keep in touch with folks without using email. I consider calling people on their phones profoundly intrusive! Basically it's a message of stop eating dinner, stop changing the diaper, stop doing the laundry, stop making love, stop whatever and pay attention to me. Sending an email seems far more polite because then people can finish doing whatever they are doing and email back when they have time. I guess my sister and Eric's sister never have time. I asked my sister yesterday how the blog was going. She is checking it every now and then because she quoted it. So, she's read some of it at least. At least she has the option of finding out what is going on with us if she wants.

Not much was going on with her yesterday. She had taken refuge in the bedroom because Dana was upset with the TV set. A few minutes before I called the Patriots had not been doing as well as he hoped. They won and were winning when I called but they weren't winning by a big enough spread I guess. Our TV was also piping in first the Patriots vs somebody and then the Packers vs the Giants. Modern day gladiators running, knocking each other down in weather so cold Penguins would have had the sense to hibernate. The fascination with football games and videogames totally baffles me!

I've given up on my sister. I'll just be impolite and telephone her. We'll both die before she'll email. Some battles are simply not worth fighting, but I'll never understand a preference for phone calls over email..

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