Saturday, January 5, 2008

Cluster "headache"

This last case was what cops call a cluster "headache". Trying to avoid being offensive on these posts. I busted my tush on New Years Eve, New Years Day and the day after getting that evaluation completed so that we could meet the court deadline of 1/7/08.

Well, everything changed. We don't know why. Suddenly his release was delayed. Suddenly, the trial will be transferred to another county. I was looking forward to not having to drive as far because, for once, the county is relatively close. But, as it turns out the prosecutor of his original county is now the judge in that county so the whole trial had to be moved to a different county. And, the entire process has been delayed until the middle of February. I've still got plenty to do--that's not the problem. The problem is that my entire holiday can simply be disrupted (actually cancelled) because some clerk or bunch of clerks miscalculated dates. The whole thing is just a cluster "headache".

At least Iowa is over. And, we rolled on to New Hampshire. At least the Clinton's were stopped in Iowa. Hopefully, that train has been derailed. I'd love to see a woman elected president, but not her. I've had enough of Clintons. Of course, I dread the idea that the Ken doll the Republican's appear to want to shove off on us might get elected. But, with all that money and that pretty plastic face we may be doomed to him. We're sort of faced with trying to sort through the whole bunch of them and find the least dreadful of the lot. I guess that's always the way it is. It's a sad state of affairs. I remember when we had heros running for President-------a very long time ago.

Another sad state of affairs is that the missing lady's dog wondered into a Kroger store, the police found a lot of bloody evidence in a dumpster they suggest the old man put there and his dog ended up in an animal shelter. I wonder how long that dog will survive or if anyone can or will come to its rescue. The poor dog had nothing to do with the whole horrific story.

Feeling sad tonight. Must sign off before I depress everybody else.

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