Thursday, January 3, 2008


I have nothing personal against Iowa or the good people of Iowa, however I am really tired of the non-stop coverage of their utterly archaic practice they substitute for a primary. At least the other states actually have primaries. For the love of Pete, buy some voting booths and have people line up and cast their vote--then shut up. Personally, I think any state that refuses to invest in and use voting booths should simply be completely ignored.

I'm afraid to turn on the TV, radio, pick up a newspaper, thumb through a magazine or answer my phone. And, I must have deleted 700 political emails this morning.

I can't tell a snail's snot bit of difference between the Democratic candidates. It all looks pretty much like snail snot to me. Except that the idea of a 30 year history with the Clinton's worries me greatly. And, the Republican's? There are some very worrisom folks in that bunch. Of that bunch, I only trust one. Seems like in a country this size, we could find someone to run for President.

One thing I know is that I have been voting for nearly 40 years and have never yet voted for a winner. So probably, all these guys are just praying I don't vote for them. I couldn't blame them!

The worst part of all of this is that we are going to have to live and die with our choices and it seems like we are being presented nothing but problematic choices.

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